Home of the original McKenzie and Rogue River historic drift boats and river dories, the spawning grounds for the riverboats that ply the world's rivers today. Whether you are interested in white water, or fishing, or both, these boats were and are designed to please. To that end this site is a sense of place.

 To quote from the Preface of my book, Drift Boats and River Dories ....

f you have felt the quiet wake of wood on water,
 Or the tranquility of a river canyon made crisp by your oneness with that milieu;  
If you have danced with white water under crystal skies,
 Or nestled on a velvet sandbar under panoplies of stars,
 Then you have felt the river's touch.


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Announcing the 2025

McKenzie Drift Boat Building Workshop  McKenzie River Discovery Center
April 21-25, 2025
For details, go here
McKenzie Discovery Center

Scratch that itch!





The Treasure at Finn  Rock
Photo by Dave Zielinski



The Book






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Moon Phases
by Bill Girsch and John Girsch


Model Kits

The Rogue River



Z's Drifters
By Dave Zielinski

       Drift Boat Tables



National Parks Adventures with Greg Hatten